Digital Slowmad newsletter
27 July 2021
Crypto portfolio update
Invested in: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Pancakeswap (CAKE)
Net return: 8.1%
Comments: My investment positions in BTC and ETH have almost been fully established, with 75% of the intended allocation being deployed.

If you missed my latest video update about these positions, you can watch it here.
Meanwhile, I've also invested some funds into the decentralized finance (DeFi) space and have been earning passive income from it. For more details, check out this video I put up:
Admin update
- I'm planning to publish videos more regularly on my YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe to it if you haven't already.
- If you missed the previous newsletter issue, you can view it here.
₿ Crypto news
- The amount of ETH held in exchange wallets falls to new lows. This means that fewer investors are looking to sell and this is generally a positive sign for holders.

- United Wholesale Mortgage accepts bitcoin for home loan payments.
- UWM is the second-biggest mortgage lender in the US, so this is a big deal. Crypto adoption continues to spread throughout the mainstream economy.
- VISA paid $150,000 to own this picture:

Is VISA stupid? (Hint: They're not.)
- Budweiser paid $95,000 for a crypto domain name.
- More companies are stepping into the crypto space, especially in NFTs. This is a trend that I suspect will continue.
- People who don't understand the significance of NFTs (or crypto in general) are in for a rude awakening; They will be left behind in the coming years.
- If you're new, you can learn more about NFTs in my Ethereum writeup
Something I've been thinking about
The best decisions lead to exponential returns. But the thing about the compounding process is that the greatest rewards are delayed. Things don't really take off until years later. Keep working and be patient with the results.
Something cool
- This gamer plays better with no hands than I do with two.
Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend.

P.S. If you have any questions or feedback, let me know at: chris[at]digitalslowmad[dot]com