digital slowmad

Digital Slowmad newsletter

8 December 2023

📊 Crypto portfolio update

Exposure: 99.8%

Net return: 761.4%

Comments: It's been an eventful two weeks as BTC surged 18% with virtually no pullbacks:

So industry sentiment is improving and people are starting to bull-post again. The spot Bitcoin ETFs are expected to be approved next month and this is likely to be the underlying narrative for the foreseeable future.

While I'm glad to see BTC rise again, I'd advise caution at these elevated levels ($44k - $48k). The macro environment has yet to turn conducive for a proper bull run and I see an increasing chance of a savage pullback that wipes out yet another cohort of leveraged longs.

For what it's worth, here's my take:

  • If you're a long term BTC hodler and want to DCA, consider lowering your purchase amounts for now (save cash for a dip).
  • If you're looking for short-term gains, now is probably not a good time to be buying BTC.

To paraphrase Warren Buffet, "When everyone is fearful, be greedy. When everyone is greedy, be fearful."

It looks like people are starting to get greedy again. They think the "ETF rally" is a slam dunk trade... but the market has a funny way of proving most people wrong, most of the time.

Current allocation:

Details available in private group

🥃 Portfolio all-time high

My crypto portfolio has hit a new ATH and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the private group who's been on this journey with me. Congratulations to all!

The bull market has barely started and we're poised to attain our goal of F-U money in the following 18 months.

Remember: Once we hit our number we're all going to disappear in a tragic boat accident.

Thank you for being here. Onward!

🌔🪖 Shrapnel

By now, most of you know I'm bullish on Shrapnel.

posted this two weeks ago:

shrapnel slowmad

The game has since been shilled by numerous GameFi influencers... but from what I've seen practically NONE of them understand its real value proposition - they simply see Shrapnel as "a cool web3 game with good graphics", which grossly underestimates the impact it's going to make.

There's much more to Shrapnel that people realize... so I published a thesis about it.

If you want to understand my perspective, read it here.

📝 Admin update

🎥 Shrapnel production quality

It's still early days, so many people think Shrapnel is "just another web3 game".

They don't realize it's a AAA-quality title that's generations ahead of 99.9% of web3 games being produced today.

To get a sense of it, check out some of their published works:

💬 Quote of the week

What appears to be luck is often preparation and patience.

- Shane Parrish

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend. 🥃


P.S. If you have any questions or feedback, let me know at: chris[at]digitalslowmad[dot]com

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